MongoDB Compass

Click the Create Index button.¶ From the Indexes tab, click the Create Index button to bring up the. MongoDB Atlas - the global cloud database MongoDB Atlas is the multi-cloud database service for MongoDB available on AWS, Google Cloud, and Azure. Best-in-class automation and built-in proven practices provide continuous availability, elastic scalability,. Introduction to MongoDB Compass MongoDB, one of the most widely used NoSQL Database, provides a GUI (Graphical User Interface), MongoDB Compass. MongoDB Compass allows you to interact actively and understand the data stored in MongoDB Database, without any prerequisite to have any knowledge of Coding or Shell Queries.

What is MongoDB Compass?¶

MongoDB Compass is the GUI for MongoDB.Compass allows you to analyze and understand the contents ofyour data without formal knowledge of MongoDBquery syntax. In addition toexploring your data in a visual environment, you can also useCompass to optimize query performance,manage indexes, and implementdocument validation.


Mongodb Compass Community

To use Compass, you must connect to an existing MongoDBdatabase. You can connect to:

  • A MongoDB server that you haveinstalled locally, or
  • A MongoDB Atlas cluster.

MongoDB Atlasis a cloud-hosted database-as-a-service thatprovides free sample datasets for yourclusters. You can use Compass to explore and interact withthese sample datasets.

Available Compass Editions¶

Compass is offered in the following editions:

Full version of MongoDB Compass, with all features andcapabilities.
Limited strictly to read operations, with allwrite and delete capabilities removed.

Does not initiate any network requests except to the MongoDBserver to which Compass connects. This edition isdesigned for highly secure environments.

Isolated edition can perform DNS alias queries, such as lookingup A or SRV Records.

Isolated edition does not:

  • Connect to third-party mapping services forschema analysis.
  • Send analytics or crash reports.
  • Provide Intercom support.

MongoDB Compass is Source Available¶

All versions of MongoDB Compass are source available and free to use. You canfind the source repositories for MongoDB Compass at

Capabilities of Compass Editions¶

The following feature chart can help you choose the edition to bestsuit your needs.

Mongodb Compass Tutorial

Compass Isolated
Interact with documents,collections, anddatabases with full CRUD functionality
Create and execute queries andaggregation pipelines
Create and delete indexes
View and optimize query performance with visualexplain plans
Kerberos, LDAP, and x.509 authentication
Create, delete and edit document validationrules
Error collection and crash reporting

How To Use Mongodb Compass

MongoDB Compass

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Mongodb Compass


Mongodb Atlas

Download and Install Compass